
What is Total Thermography?
Total Thermography is a functional assessment for men & women, based on thermoregulation and temperature patterns, where your body's automatic processes will work together to maintain a constant body temperature. It is simply the measurement of temperature and provides a whole-body evaluation.
The Wellness Centre of Baton Rouge is the FIRST and ONLY thermography facility to integrate Thermal Imaging AND Regulation Thermography into ONE assessment.
Total Thermography is an excellent first step in health care. You will gain insight into the underlying causes of your symptoms, and become motivated to follow through on a getting healthier.
Empower yourself and learn How & Why you should have a Total Thermography Health Assessment.
We can finally see what the body is doing before it becomes dysfunctional enough to create an irreversible problem..
Dr. Schulz-Ruhtenberg, Minden Germany

With inflammation and stress at the top of the list for disease processes, Total Thermography just makes sense. The body is a whole connection, therefore just analyzing one region of the body to find out what is going on DOES NOT make sense.
Whether or not you experience symptoms, your health should be your number one priority. The question is, what are your options?
Total Thermography assessment may become your best tool that will provide well care benefits.